Terms & Conditions.
Nov 2022 | Version 1.2
Registration number: 1999/025765/07
The sale of the Identipet passive transponder (“Microchip”) and use of the website, app and other related services (“Identipet Services”) are subject to the following conditions, which the user shall be deemed to have accepted upon implantation of the Microchip.
1. The microchip must be implanted by a suitably qualified person (such as a veterinarian, veterinarian nurse or qualified veterinary technician) strictly in accordance with the Identipet’s instructions provided with the microchip or obtainable from Identipet on request.
2. Registration and Storage of Data:
2.1 Registration of the owner’s contact details is essential and facilitates the identification of the microchipped animal.
2.2 Registration is immediate when done through the Identipet app, website, Identipet Animal Management System or by scanning the QR code on the microchip packaging. If the owner chooses not to make use of the app or website, then the registration form must be completed in full and returned to Identipet within 14 days of implantation. In this case, registration is not immediate and Identipet takes no responsibility for registration not taking place.
2.3 Identipet takes the protection of your personal information very seriously. For information on how we protect and process your personal information, please see our privacy policy.
3. Identipet reserves the right to delete information stored on and deny access to the Identipet Services should the user abuse or misuse the Identipet services or microchip. Identipet reserves the right to charge fees for premium database services.
4. The owner agrees that they have no claim for damages or any losses of any nature whatsoever against Identipet and/or its directors, employees, officers, agents, or any affiliates arising from any cause whatsoever, including but not limited to the implantation or functioning of an Identipet Microchip and/or the Identipet Services.
5. In the event of any defect or fault with an Identipet microchip, Identipet’s sole obligation is to replace the microchip. Identipet accepts no responsibility for the malfunction of any microchip not supplied by Identipet.