About Microchipping
What are microchips?
Microchips are small devices implanted under your pet’s skin, which contain a unique identification number that can be linked to your contact information. Any animal can be microchipped.
How do I get my pet microchipped?
Consult with a local vet or animal welfare. They can provide information about the procedure, costs and assist you in getting your pet microchipped.
What is an Identipet microchip?
An Identipet microchip is a high-quality electronic RFID component, sealed into a biocompatible glass tube. Designed in Switzerland and manufactured to the most rigorous standards, the Identipet chip is 8mm long, 2mm wide and ISO compliant.
Identipet microchips are not tracking devices. They are radio-frequency identification (RFID) implants that provide permanent ID for your pet. Because they use RFID technology, microchips do not require a power source like a GPS. When a microchip scanner is passed over the pet, the microchip gets enough power from the scanner to transmit the microchip’s ID number. Since there’s no battery and no moving parts, there’s nothing to keep charged, wear out, or replace. The microchip will last your pet’s lifetime.
There are NO microchips that are tracking devices, as tracking devices need a power source (battery) which in implantable microchips is not possible.
Lifetime Durability
Designed to last a lifetime our micorchips are anti-migration, impact and pressure-resistant. Providing the very best options for identification bio and industrial ID.
Benefiting from numerous global patents the design and construction of our products are the result of years of experience and technical know-how.
How are microchips implanted?
Each microchip is individually packaged in a sterile syringe. The veterinarian then injects the microchip at the inoculation site (between the shoulder blades for dogs and cats).
Is it painful?
No more than any inoculation. The animal will not feel it under their skin.
How does it work?
The microchip has an unalterable unique number coded into it. This microchip number is read by means of a scanner. The scanner emits an electromagnetic wave that instantaneously “wakes up” the microchip. The microchip responds to the scanner with its number, which can then be read off the scanner’s screen. Only the microchip number appears on the screen, and not the owner and pet details. The microchip number is totally unique and from a series of 34 billion unique numbers. It is never duplicated, altered or erased. The vet or welfare then searches for the microchip number on our database where the owner’s contact details are stored.
What is the Identipet Microchip System?
The Identipet microchip system is both unique and comprehensive and offers a digital system to manage and identify your pet family. Check it out here.
What happens when my pet is microchipped?
Each microchip is packaged with a QR Code. By scanning the code with your mobile device at the time of microchipping, you will be taken through a registration process where you fill in all your contact details. Your pet is now officially part of the family!
If your details change it’s quick and easy to update them on the app.
Who holds the database?
Identipet loads the information sent back to them onto the Identipet National Animal Database – the largest animal database in Africa. Vets, SPCAs and Animal Welfare Societies can access this database information from the Identipet Animal Management System.
How well does the Identipet system work?
Brilliantly! Identipet annually reunites several thousand lost or stolen animals with their owners. Data provided by the SPCA shows that the average time that it takes to reunite a lost pet (that has been microchipped) with its owner is two hours, compared with several days or sadly never, for an unidentified animal.
Who can scan my lost pet?
Hundreds of users of the Identipet system, with over 2000 scanners countrywide. Most vets in the large centres (and many in the smaller centres) are equipped to scan all lost, abandoned or stolen animals. All branches of the SPCA, as well as Animal Welfare Organisations, are supplied with Identipet-scanners to assist them in the identification of pets brought in.
Which animals can be microchipped?
Any animal. From fingerling fish to birds to rhinos and elephants.
What does the microchip cost?
Please ask your local vet or welfare how much it will be to chip your pet so that your pet is then identifiable for life. The microchip never “wears” out. Your pet will always have an identity.
Is there an Annual Identipet Service Fee?
There is no annual fee for any pets with an Identipet microchip, irrespective of the year that the animal had the microchip inserted. The only payment will be to the vet or welfare who conducts the insertion of the microchip.
We do however have a subscription service that unlocks certain app features, with added benefits. Find out more here.
My pet was microchipped abroad. Can you register him/her on the Identipet National Animal Database?
The Identipet National Animal Database can store ALL manufacturer’s microchips (local and international). You can register your pet using this link, or via our app. It is best to keep your pet’s details on a database from the country where you reside. For example, if you move to the UK, add your pets to a UK microchip database.
If my pet dies must I notify Identipet?
Yes, please update your profile through the app.
Got questions on the app?
Where are my pets on my profile?
Have you imported your pets from our previous app? Simply click on the IMPORT button on your home page. You will need to upload new photos of your pets.
You may run into trouble if you are using a new phone number or if you have multiple profiles on our old Animal Management System. Please reach our if you need assistance. -
Does my old profile still exist?
It’s still the same profile, with all your contact details and pet’s microchip numbers safly stored but it is now connected to the new web-app.
Will my old app still work?
No, the old app will be phased out. Please use the new web-app and Register your profile there.
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Will SOS work if I am not subscribed to React?
Unfortunately not. You will need to subscribe for R49 per month to be able to access the SOS alert function. But you will also have the Vet Online access once a month :)
Can I do a once off SOS and pay once off?
It is possible to subscribe and then cancel at any time but then you’d be missing out on the online vet consult that you get once a month on React.
How do I change my details?
Go to My Family to edit your address.
To edit your phone number or e-mail address go to your blue Profile icon on the top right and click Account to update.
How do I add a new pet?
Open the app and tap Add Pet on the home screen.
Enter the microchip number manually or scan the QR code on the packaging to autofill it. Complete the pet’s profile details.
You can also add a new pet on the My Pets page.
To adopt a pet: Go to My Family and send the previous owner the Transfer Pet QR Code.Once they scan it from their Pet Profile, the pet is instantly added to your family.
How do I transfer a pet to someone else?
In the app, select the pet you want to transfer and tap Transfer Pet. The new owner should open their app, go to My Family, and select Transfer Pet QR Code.
If they are not with you they can send the code for you to scan. -
What do I do if my pet dies?
In your app, under My Pets, click on edit icon of the pet. Click on Mark Deceased. You can manually enter the date of passing.
If you are on our Legacy Protect subscription please notify Legacy to arrange the cremation. -
Can I upload photos of my pets?
Yes, you can upload pictures on our app! You can add photos of your pet to their profile, making it easier to identify them if they go missing. Simply go to your pet’s profile and select the option to upload or update their picture.
Can I have multiple emergency contacts?
Yes, you can add multiple emergency contacts to your account if you are signed up to Identipet React, as this is part of the SOS package. When you send an SOS, the Pet Rescue Network as well as your emergecny contacts will be sent an alert.
How do I fix errors on my pets profile?
To fix an error on your pet’s profile, open the Identipet app, go to your pet’s profile, select the edit option, and update the details. If you can’t edit certain fields, contact our support team for assistance.
I made a mistake while putting in the microchip number.
If you made a mistake on the chip number, please contact our support team at info@identipet.com
011 957 3455. Provide the correct chip number along with your pet’s details, and we will assist you in updating it. -
My pet is missing what do I do?
First, ensure your contact details are up to date so you can be easily reached if someone finds your pet. If you’re subscribed to our React subscription, you can send out an SOS alert to our Pet Rescue Network within a 5 km radius of where your pet was last seen, increasing the chances of a quick reunion.
It’s helpful to also let the vets in your area know. You can share the SOS poster to your whatsapp groups. -
I need advice on my pets well being.
If you are worried about your pet our expert VetOnline vets are available to assist you 24/7.
For only R49 p/m - Identipet React - you can reach them through the Identipet app via text chat, video call, or audio message one day a month.
On our VetOnline subscription for R129 p/m you will have unlimited access to a professional vet. -
I have adopted a pet but its registered in welfares/breeders name.
You can change ownership on the app by sending the breeder/welfare the Transfer Pet QR code for them to scan and it will automatically be transferred to your profile. If you require further assistance you can send a support query to info@identipet.com to assist you.